On Mission Together
In Matthew 28:18-20 and Acts 1:8 Jesus calls the body of Christ to make disciples in our homes, of our neighbors, among the nations and everywhere in-between. At Red Stone Church, we seek to accomplish this through the following four primary platforms:
A witness is someone who shares the Gospel with the intent of planting, watering, and/or harvesting faith in Jesus in their immediate contexts we believe that every Christian is called to be a witness of the gospel of Jesus Christ to the people around them
Ministry Partners
Red Stone Church partners with people or organizations that share Gospel-centered vision and values with Red Stone and are working to achieve shared strategic goals.
Church Planting
Church planting is when a person or community who goes to create a sent Gospel community unique to the sending body. Red Stone Church was once sent as a church plant and we believe we should be involved in sending more church plants for the glory of God.
A missionary is someone who intentionally crosses a linguistic, religious, geopolitical, and/or cultural boundary for the purpose of communicating the Gospel in order to point people to Christ.
A Global Missionary, at a minimum, crosses a cultural and geopolitical boundary
A Frontier Missionary goes to an unreached people group.